Openstack Configuration Guide
Run the following:
Openstack Install
sudo snap install openstack --channel 2023.1
sunbeam prepare-node-script | bash -x && newgrp snap_daemon
sunbeam cluster bootstrap --accept-defaults
sunbeam configure --openrc demo-openrc
You will then receive a series of prompts:
sumbeam configure Prompts
Local or remote access to VMs [local/remote] (local): local
Populate OpenStack cloud with demo user, default images, flavors etc [y/n] (y): y
Username to use for access to OpenStack (demo): magicadmin
Password to use for access to OpenStack (mt********): <PASSWORD>
Network range to use for project network (
Enable ping and SSH access to instances? [y/n] (y): y
Writing openrc to demo-openrc ... done
- enabled nested virtualization
- enable openstack cli commands
- configure tls
Safely Stopping Openstack
Run the following: